Logitech Media Server repositories
From SqueezeboxWiki
SqueezeCenter 7.3 includes an Extension Downloader that provides a simple web interface for installing SqueezeCenter Plugins and Applets, Wallpaper images, and Sounds for SqueezePlay and the Squeezebox Controller.
Please note!
In Squeezebox Server 7.4 there is a setting called 'Show all 3rd party plugins' in the Plugins tab which will enable all plugins in the repositories listed below besides those in the beta testing repositories at the bottom of this page
If you like to nominate a third party plugin to be part of the "Recommended 3rd party plugins" section in Extension Downloader, post its name in the following thread:
Below is a list of "repository URLs" you can provide to the Extension Downloader to find & easily install add-ons:
- http://www.tux.org/~peterw/slim/slim7/repodata.xml Plugins from Peter Watkins -- AllQuiet, BlankSaver, ContextMenu, FuzzyTime, KidsPLay, KitchenTimer, PlayLog, PowerCenter, SaverSwitcher, SettingsManager, SleepFade, StatusFirst, SyncOptions, VolumeLock, and a modified version of AutoDisplay
- http://triodeplugins.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/repo.xml Plugins and InfoBrowser addons from Triode -- BBCiPlayer, SigGen plugins; BBC, Slim Forums, TvGuide.co.uk InfoBrowser addons
- http://bitflip.net/slim/repo.xml PowerSave, DirectPlay & QuickAccess
- http://grebrown-projects.googlecode.com/svn/repo.xml SuperDateTime by Greg Brown
- http://mdmplugins.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/repo.xml College Hockey and PGA Scores (SuperDateTime addons) by Mike Meyer
- http://squeezecenter-seeqpod.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/repodata.xml -- SeeqPod plugin
- http://www.koldware.net/SlimStuff/repodata.xml ResetVolume, RemovePlayedSongs, GrabPlaylist, and The Synchronizer
- http://erlandplugins.googlecode.com/svn/repository/trunk/latest.xml Plugins by Erland Isaksson (see also beta repository below)
- http://www.herger.net/slim-plugins/repo.xml Plugins by Michael Herger: MusicInfoSCR, AlbumReview, Biography & more.
- http://kdfplugins.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/repo.xml Mostly legacy plugins, minimally maintained and not supported on Squeezeplay [Bookmark, EmailChecker, ExecuteScript and SongLoop].
- http://www.warpgear.nl/sb/latest.xml Plugins by Tom Kalmijn: Just Covers
- http://pluginrepository.penguinlovesmusic.de/pluginrepo.xml iPeng - plugin/skin for use with iPhone/iPod touch; YouTube plugin
- http://www.hickinbottom.com/sc-plugins/repo.xml Plugins by Stuart Hickinbottom -- LazySearch2 and AutoRescan
- http://bpaplugins.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/repo.xml Plugins by bpa -- CDplayer, SharkPlay, WaveInput (originally by Joe Bryan), FindArt, AACplus, NPRRadio and InfoBrowser Addons Classic FM and Soma FM playlists.
- http://www.hergest.demon.co.uk/Music/slim/repository.xml Plugins by Philip Meyer: Files Viewer, Playlist Manager and Song File Viewer.
- http://www.erspearson.com/xAP/Slim/Updates.xml xAP Home Automation by ersp-design.
- http://slimscrobbler.sourceforge.net/repository.xml SqueezeScrobbler Plugin for LastFM
- http://weathertime.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/repo.xml WeatherTime Plugin by Martin Rehfeld (show weather forecast from Wunderground plus date and time)
- http://petherton.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/SlimServer/repository.xml iTunesUpdate & iTunesPartyShuffle by James Craig
- http://srvrpowerctrl.googlecode.com/svn/repo.xml SrvrPowerCtrtl by Gordon Harris
- http://denonavpcontrol.googlecode.com/files/repo.xml DenonAvpControl by Chris Couper
- http://www.stagessound.de/bluegaspode.xml Plugins by Stefan Hansel - 'Weather Screensafer' (running on Radio/Touch/Controller) and 'Headphone Switcher' (for manual switching to the headphone out it isn't working on your Controller)
- http://www.woodbine.me.uk/squeezebox/repo.xml Plugins/Applets by indifference_engine - 'SqueezeIR' (Turns your Duet Controller into a universal remote control).
- http://server.vijge.net/static/squeezebox/repo.xml - Patch to reduce brightness when the screen saver is active (Touch only, see below for Radio version)
- http://fontreplacer.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/repo.xml BKlaas community applets for Squeezeplay-- currently this is FontReplacer, a Squeezeplay applet to provide CJK character support to Squeezeplay devices
- http://www.whizziwig.com/static/squeezecloud/public.xml [1] Soundcloud plugin by David Blackman
There are also some repositories which contains beta versions of plugins available in the above repositories
Only use the repositories below if you accept to use plugin versions that hasn't been fully tested by the developer:
- http://erlandplugins.googlecode.com/svn/repository/trunk/testing.xml Beta versions of plugins by Erland Isaksson
- http://server.vijge.net/static/squeezebox/repo-beta.xml - Reduce brightness on screen saver patch for Radio and SBS 7.6.
Developer information about repositories is available Here