Community Projects
From SqueezeboxWiki
This page will shortly describe active projects going on with people from the community involved which is related to Squeezeboxes.
Feel free to add your own project or add additional links or description relevant to one of the existing projects to this page.
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Software projects
Software distribution for SheevaPlug based hardware which also works on the Raspberry Pi hardware. Initially designed to be a LMS server but these days SqueezeLite can be installed to make it a player also. Typically it requires a an external DAC to get audio quality close to a Squeezebox Touch.
Software player distributed as a plugin which makes it possible to use your computer and the soundcard in it as a player. Can be used on ARM based platforms such as Raspberry Pi, SheevaPlug or Wandboard or on Intel based platforms like your normal computer.
Typically it requires a an external DAC to get audio quality close to a Squeezebox Touch, the exception is the Community Squeeze project which will have a really good built-in DAC.
User interface for controlling Squeezeboxes. A cut down version of the SqueezePlay application (from Logitech) based on the BSD licensed logitech code. This is focussed as the original jive product was on controlling separate squeezebox instances. So all audio playback is removed and many of the applets included with SqueezePlay are also removed to make it simpler. The aim is to create a full screen skin which can be used to display the control application on the hdmi port of a device (Wandbaord/Raspberry Pi/cubox etc).
ickStream Music Platform
Software project with the intention to create the next generation music streaming platform based on the experience from Squeezebox. It's currently in a closed beta phase and the intention is that any hardware vendor that wants to use it should be able license it to use it on their hardware platform. Will focus on providing a solution for people who are interested in having access both to local music and online music, will integrate with LMS and other music servers for local music and provide its own cloud server for integration with online streaming services.
piCorePlayer (aka. piCoPlayer)
Software distribution for Raspberry Pi hardware pre-installed to act as a player with the SqueezeLite player software
Software and Hardware projects
Community Squeeze
Consists of both software and hardware designed by community members with the intention to be able to be an alternative for Logitech based Squeezebox hardware. Currently only the software distribution is available but they are working hard on the hardware part. It uses the CPU card from the Wandboard as a base but will provide an add-on hardware card which provides what we need to get excellent audio quality out of it. It uses SqueezeLite as a player and JiveLite as a user interface if connected to a TV (or other kind of HDMI display).
Cheap DIY hardware project which base its player hardware PogoPlug and uses SqueezeLite as player software with the intention to make a cheap replacement for a Touch for people with an external DAC.
Software and hardware platform, initially designed to be a media server hosting LMS, but these days it also bundles a player so you can use it both as a server and player. The software can be used either on a dedicated Vortexbox Appliance hardware or on your own computer.
Hardware projects
The hardware which contains the CPU card which is the base for the Community Squeezebox project. Can be used as a player already today, but to get decent audio quality you need an external DAC.
Typically used together with the Community Squeeze software distribution.
Raspberry Pi
The hardware which is used in piCoPlayer. Can be used as a player already today, but to get decent audio quality you need an external DAC. Can also be used together with the SheevaPlug distribution.
The hardware which is used in VAMP. Can be used as a player already today, but to get decent audio quality you need an external DAC.