Automatic Volume Adjustment
From SqueezeboxWiki
Squeezebox2, Squeezebox Classic, Transporter and Squeezebox Boom support automatic volume adjustment.
What this means:
- SqueezeCenter will read volume adjustment metadata tags from your audio files if present.
- SqueezeCenter will apply that information during playback to make sure that tracks and albums sound equally loud. "Track gain" can be used to make sure that all tracks sound equally loud. "Album gain" can be used to make sure that all albums sound equally loud, but that volume differences between tracks within an album are preserved. "Smart" gain selection uses album gain if successive songs are from the same album or track gain for a mixed playlist.
- You can find these options under Player Settings -> Audio
Methods of Volume Adjustment
- iTunes SoundCheck
SqueezeCenter recognizes the following volume adjustment tags:
- FLAC & OggVorbis metadata tools (e.g. Vorbisgain) write REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN & PEAK tags, and REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN as well.
- MP3Gain writes APE tags in an MP3 file. Note: use track/album analysis only. Pressing the Gain button in the UI will modify the audio.
- AACGain writes custom tags into AAC files.
- Foobar2000 writes APE tags or sometimes RVAD tags? See here for a guide to adding and editting ReplayGain data with foobar2000.
- J. River Media Center writes custom tags into an array of COMM tags.
- iTunes writes volume adjustment data into RVAD tags in MP3 files.