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Home of the Squeezebox™ & Transporter® network music players.

Showbriefly Design Guide

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Showbriefly Design Reference

sent from file: Description Fab4 Touch? Fab4 Remote? Controller?
N/A press “play” button (when paused) NO yes yes
N/A press “pause” button NO yes yes
N/A press ff/skip button NO yes yes
N/A press rew button NO yes yes
N/A press vol +/- NO yes yes
N/A repeat (all) NO yes yes
N/A repeat (one song) NO yes yes
N/A repeat (off) NO yes yes
N/A shuffle (on) NO yes yes
N/A shuffle (off) NO yes yes
Control/Commands.pm sleep button pressed (15) NO yes yes
Control/Commands.pm sleep button pressed (30) NO yes yes
Control/Commands.pm sleep button pressed (45) NO yes yes
Control/Commands.pm sleep button pressed (60) NO yes yes
Control/Commands.pm sleep button pressed (off) NO yes yes
Control/Jive.pm Sleeping at end of track NO yes yes
Control/Commands.pm saving alarm NO yes yes
Control/Commands.pm all alarms enabled NO yes yes
Control/Commands.pm all alarms disabled NO yes yes
Control/Commands.pm deleting alarm NO yes yes
Control/Jive.pm Syncing with X spinny spinny spinny
 ?? Rebuffering failed screen w/”ok” screen w/”ok” screen w/”ok”
 ?? Buffering... (music stopped) spinny spinny spinny
 ?? Rebuffering failed screen w/”ok” screen w/”ok” screen w/”ok”
Plugin/LineIn/Plugin.pm Line in level (slider) (new design) (new design) (new design)
 ?? Treble set to X (slider) (new design) (new design) (new design)
 ?? Bass set to X (slider) (new design) (new design) (new design)
 ?? Alarm Volume (slider) (new design) (new design) (new design)
Plugin/Favorites/Plugin.pm add song to favorites yes yes yes
Plugin/LastFM/ProtocolHandler.pm last.fm skip limit exceeded yes yes yes
Plugin/Slacker/ProtocolHandler.pm slacker skip limit exceeded yes yes yes
Plugin/Deezer/ProtocolHandler.pm deezer skip limit exceeded yes yes yes
Plugin/Pandora/ProtocolHandler.pm pandora skip limit exceeded yes yes yes
Control/Jive.pm $mixer not available for this item yes yes yes
Control/Commands.pm track x removed from playlist yes yes yes
Control/Commands.pm saved playlist as x yes yes yes
Control/Commands.pm added track x to play next yes yes yes
Control/Commands.pm added track x to playlist yes yes yes
Control/Commands.pm deleted playlist x yes yes yes
Control/XMLBrowser.pm OPML messages sent from apps yes yes yes
Player/StreamingController.pm problem opening file/stream yes yes yes
Player/Playlist.pm playlist mode disabled yes yes yes
Player/Playlist.pm playlist mode on yes yes yes
Player/Playlist.pm playlist mode off yes yes yes
Player/Playlist.pm party mode on yes yes yes