SlimProto TCP protocol
From SqueezeboxWiki
note always check the perl source code, this documentation is not in sync with actual byte length in multiple places
SlimProto Protocol
The SlimProto protocol is the new protocol developed for the squeezebox and replaces the SLIMP3 one. It is designed to allow the players to communicate effectively over WANs as well as LANs.
This document describes the SlimProto for Squeezebox firmware versions 20 and above. The current version of the firmware shipped with SqueezeCenter 7.2.1 is 113. This document describes both version imperfectly.
The server listens on TCP port 3483 for connections by players. To register a player with the server, they exchange "helo"s and then any of the commands below are valid.
The client also listens on UDP port 3483 for SlimProto commands from the server it has already established a TCP connection with. It also seems to respond to data sent back in the TCP connection (you send frames back this way).
The byte order is critical for several of the fields. The best way to check this out is to look at the server source code.
Client -> Server Communications
For an authoritative answer on the format of the packets see the file Slim/Networking/ . Different versions of the firmware send different formatted packets.
A command to the server consists of three parts:
1. The 1st 4 bytes specify the operation. The following operations are supported:
- BYE!
- STAT heartbeat and play-event notification
- RESP HTTP headers (from data stream)
- BODY HTTP body (from data stream)
- META metadata from stream
- DSCO data stream disconnected
- DBUG reports firmware revision
- IR (note the two spaces after IR)
- RAWI raw infra-red
- ANIC animation complete
- BUTN hardware button (transporter)
- KNOB hardware knob (transporter)
- SETD update preferences
- UREQ firmware update request
2. The 2nd part (of four bytes) is simply the length of the data packet (in network order).
3. The 3rd part is the data itself.
Most of the operations above are detailed below:
This alerts the server to a clients presence and is the first thing normally transmitted by a client powering up.
Data Length: 10, 20, or 36 bytes, depending upon deviceID and firmware revision.
Field | Length | Notes |
DeviceID | 1 byte | The Device ID of the player. '2' is squeezebox. '3' is softsqueeze, '4' is squeezebox2,. '5' is transporter, '6' is softsqueeze3, '7' is receiver, '8' is squeezeslave, '9' is controller, '10' is boom, '11' is softboom, '12' is squeezeplay |
Revision | 1 byte | A number specifying the firmware revision |
MAC 0-5 | 6 bytes | The player's MAC address |
UUID 0-15 | 16 bytes | Unique identifier of device (only in newer firmware)(not sent by softsqueeze) |
WLanChannelList | 2 bytes | A list of 802.11 channels that are enabled on a given device as a bitfield 0x07ff means that channels 0 through 11 are enabled which means it's configured for the US. |
Bytes received | 8 bytes | Number of data-stream bytes received (not sent by softsqueeze) |
Language | 2 bytes | Country code (not sent by softsqueeze) |
This is an extension implemented in SBS 7.4 or later.
The basic HELO packet above can be augmented by a list of capabilities, in which case the packet will be longer than 36 bytes. Capabilities form a comma-separated list. By convention CODEC capabilities are three or four letters all lower case and other capabilities start with an upper-case letter.
Unrecognized capabilities will probably be ignored.
CODECs should be stated in order of preference. The following are recognized at the time of writing:
- wma
- wmap - WMAPro
- wmal - WMA Lossless
- ogg
- flc
- pcm
- aif
- mp3
- alc - Apple Lossless
- aac - AAC & HE-AAC, with or without MP4 wrapper
The following could be anticipated:
- rtsp
- aud
The following other capabilities are supported (case sensitive):
- MaxSampleRate=96000 - frames/s, should be multiples of 11025 or 12000
- Model=controller
- ModelName=Controller
- Rhap - supports Rhapsody
- AccuratePlayPoints - indicates that playpoints are precise and can be used in synchronization calculations without further filtering.
- SyncgroupID=nnnnnnnnnn - the sync-group which the player wants to join; used when a group of players is moved from one server to another.
- HasDigitalOut - somewhat of a misnomer. Currently, its only use is to enable the setting (via the SqueezeboxServer WebUI or CLI) of a preference to tie output volume at 100%.
- HasPreAmp - does the player have a separate analogue volume control.
- HasDisableDac - can the player's DAC be disabled.
"IR " (Note: padded with two spaces to make it up to 4 characters.)
One of these packets is received for each IR code received by the player.
Data Length: Fixed at 10 bytes.
Time 4 bytes Time since player startup in ticks (@1kHz) Format 1 byte Code Format (ignored by the server for now. Code represents type of IR code - NEC, JVC or Sony) NoBits 1 byte Length of IR Code. (ignored by the server for now 16 bits for JVC, 32 bits for NEC?) IRCode 4 bytes the IR Code itself (upto 32 bits)
HTTP (or MMS) response headers or message body from the data stream. These can be parsed for metadata (title, format, bitrate, etc.), or (in the case of a body) for a playlist.
Embedded metadata from the data stream from which useful information may be extracted,
These are sent by the player in response to commands and periodically when there are no commands as a sort of keep-alive. They inform the server of the status of various player internals.
Size | Notes |
u32 | Event Code (a 4 byte string) |
u8 | Number of consecutive CRLF recieved while parsing headers |
u8 | MAS Initalized - 'm' or 'p' |
u8 | MAS Mode - serdes mode? |
u32 | buffer size - in bytes, of the player's (network/stream) buffer |
u32 | fullness - data bytes in the player's (network/stream) buffer |
u64 | Bytes Recieved |
u16 | Wireless Signal Strength (0-100 - Larger values mean hardwired) |
u32 | jiffies - a timestamp from the player (@1kHz) |
u32 | output buffer size - the decoded audio data buffer size |
u32 | output buffer fullness - bytes in the decoded audio data buffer |
u32 | elapsed seconds - of the current stream |
u16 | voltage |
u32 | elapsed milliseconds - of the current stream |
u32 | server timestamp - reflected from an strm-t command |
u16 | error code - used with STMn |
The Bytes Received field is how many data bytes the player has recieved (since it started playing?).
Output buffer size/fullness, elapsed time, voltage, elapsed milliseconds, server timestamp & error code, along with the STMo were added with more-recent firmware revisions.
Earlier firmware revisions report the read and write pointers for the player's decoder input buffer, rather than the buffer size and fullness. The bytes received and the read/write pointers are used in this case to update the elapsed time count.
Event code may be one of the following:
EventCode | Description | Notes |
vfdc | vfd received | Not observed, presumably an ack to a VFD (display) message |
i2cc | i2c confirmation | |
STMa | Autostart | Track started. Probably Squeezebox v1 only. |
STMc | Connect | srtm-s command received. Guaranteed to be the first response to an strm-s. |
STMd | Decoder ready | Instruct server that we are ready for the next track (if any). Sometimes (unfortunately) this will also indicate an error. |
STMe | Stream connection Established | |
STMf | Connection flushed | Streaming track flushed (in response to strm-f) or playback stopped (in response to strm-q). The number of STMf responses which may be received in various circumstances is not well defined. |
STMh | HTTP headers received | from the streaming connection. |
STMl | Buffer threshold reached | When strm-s autostart=0/2. |
STMn | Not Supported | Decoder does not support file format or a decoding error has occurred. May include format-specific error code. |
STMo | Output Underrun | No more decoded (uncompressed) data to play; triggers rebuffering. |
STMp | Pause | Confirmation of Pause. |
STMr | Resume | Confirmation of resume. (Not used during playout) |
STMs | Track Started | Playback of a new track has started. |
STMt | Timer | A simple hearbeat, can be periodic or a response to strm-t |
STMu | Underrun | Normal end of playback. |
The event code is a method of triggering events in the server. For example, STMd which occurs on decoder buffer underrun causes the server to switch to the next track.
The error codes are internal and codec-specific. Not all decoders make use of error codes. The current ones are:
Code | Name |
0 | N/A |
The display animation is complete. This seems to be undocumented. in the squeezecenter code Slim\Display\ there a brief description of the client capabilities.
The player is disconnecting.
If the first data byte to this command is 0x01 then the player is going out for an upgrade...
Server -> Client Communication
Data from the server to the player consists of 2 bytes of length data (in network order), a 4 byte command header, then the command data itself. The length sent is the size of the data plus the 4 byte command header; it does not include the 2 byte length field itself.
Command: "strm"
This takes 24 bytes data of the form:
Field | Length | Notes |
$command | 1 byte | 's' start, 'p' pause, 'u' unpause, 'q' stop, 't' status, 'f' flush, 'a' skip-ahead |
$autostart | 1 byte | '0' = don't auto-start, '1' = auto-start, '2' = direct streaming, '3' = direct+auto |
$formatbyte | 1 byte | 'p' = PCM, 'm' = MP3, 'f' = FLAC, 'w' = WMA, 'o' = Ogg., 'a' = AAC (& HE-AAC), 'l' = ALAC |
$pcmsamplesize | 1 byte | '0' = 8, '1' = 16, '2' = 20, '3' = 32; usually '1', '?' for self-describing formats. |
$pcmsamplerate | 1 byte | '0'=11kHz, '1'=22kHz, '2'=32kHz, '3'=44.1kHz, '4'=48kHz, '5'=8kHz, '6'=12kHz, '7'=16kHz, '8'=24kHz, '9'=96kHz; usually 3, '?' for self-describing formats. |
$pcmchannels | 1 byte | '1'=mono, '2'=stereo; usually '2', '?' for self-describing formats. |
$pcmendian | 1 byte | '0' = big, '1' = little; '1' for WAV, '0' for AIFF, '?' for self-describing formats. |
$threshold | 1 byte | KB of input buffer data before autostart or notify |
$spdif_enable | 1 byte | '0'=auto, '1'=on, '2'=off; usually 0 |
$trans_period | 1 byte | transition duration in seconds |
$trans_type | 1 byte | '0' = none, '1' = crossfade,'2' = fade in, '3' = fade out, '4' = fade in & fade out |
$flags | 1 byte | 0x80 - loop infinitely, 0x40 - stream without restarting decoder, 0x01 - polarity inversion left, 0x02 - polarity inversion right |
$output_threshold. | 1 byte | amount of output buffer data before playback starts, in tenths of second |
RESERVED | 1 byte | reserved |
$replay_gain | 4 bytes | replay gain in 16.16 fixed point, 0 = none (for the 's' command - see below for further discussion). |
$server_port | 2 bytes | Server Port to use (9000 is the default) |
$server_ip | 4 bytes | 0 means use IP of control server |
This is followed by an HTTP header itself. This is used to obtain the stream data eg:
GET /stream.mp3?player=$client-id HTTP/1.0 (Authorization: Basic $password) (blank line)
The Auth line is only sent if authorization is in use. $client-id is the usually the MAC address of the player and $password is a password generated by the server.
Other headers to be included in the HTTP request may also be supplied.
u, p, a & t commands and replay_gain field
The u, p, a & t commands all make special use of the replay_gain field, as follows:
u - if non-zero, the player-specific internal timestamp (ms) at which to unpause (this is used by the server to coordinate the start of multiple synchronized players).
p - if non-zero, an interval (ms) to pause for and then automatically resume - no STMp & STMr status messages are sent in this case.
a - if non-zero, an interval (ms) to skip over (not play).
t - a timestamp field from the server to be returned in the corresponding STMt status message (used to measure round-trip latency).
FLAC-specific notes
For FLAC, some of the fields are reused, as follows:
pcmsamplesize - container type: '?' (flac), 'o' (ogg/flac)
WMA-specific notes
For WMA, some of the fields are reused, as follows:
pcmsamplesize - response will include HTTP/MMS chunking;
pcmsamplerate - the audio stream number to play;
pcmchannels - the metadata stream number, if any.
AAC-specific notes
For AAC, some of the fields are reused, as follows:
pcmsamplesize - container type and bitstream format: '1' (adif), '2' (adts), '3' (latm within loas), '4' (rawpkts), '5' (mp4ff), '6' (latm within rawpkts);
Command: "aude"
Tell the client to enable/disable the audio outputs.
2 bytes
$spdif_enable 1 byte 0x0 = disable SPDIF, 0x1 = enable SPDIF $dac_enable 1 byte 0x0 = disable DAC, 0x1 = enable DAC output
Command: "audg"
Tell the client to adjust the audio gain (volume level)
10 bytes (all ints are network byte order)
$old_left 4 bytes unsigned int $old_right 4 bytes unsigned int $dvc 1 byte Digital volume control 0/1 $preamp 1 byte Preamp (byte 255-0) $new_left 4 bytes 16.16 fixed point $new_right 4 bytes 16.16 fixed point $sequence 4 bytes unsigned int, optional
total: 18-22 bytes (+ 4 bytes command header "audg")
old_left/old_right should range from 0..128 new_left/new_right are 16.16 fixed point
Firmware v22+ on the SB2 use the new style; older use the old-style.
Command: "grfb"
Tells the client to adjust the brightness of the display.
Send a short int (2 bytes, network byte order) with a brightness level from 0-4 (on Squeezebox2). On newer firmwares (squeezecenter 7.3), it seems to range from -1 up to and including 5. -1 means totally off, 5 is the brightest.
Command: "grfe"
Sends a bitmap to the client for display. It starts with a header of 4 bytes, followed by 1280 bytes of data. The header is:
$offset 2 bytes short int $transition 1 byte ('L','R','U' or 'D') $param 1 byte
On Squeezebox3, the data is 1280 bytes; each one is a bitfield (0=off 1=on for that bit). Bits are layed out from top to bottom in column 1 of the display, then top to bottom in column 2, etc. The Squeezebox3 has a 320x32 display, so each column is 4 bytes.
if $transition is a capital, the frame is bounced a few pixels, a lowercase value results in a full scroll. the parameter determines how many pixels are part of the animation (from bottom to top). More information on the transition can be found in pushBumpAnimate() of slim\display\ in the squeezecenter source code.
For instance, the 4-byte sequence (in binary):
1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011
would light up the top pixel and the two bottom pixels on the row; send a grfe with that sequence 320 times and you get a thin line across the top of the display and a thicker line across the bottom.
It is also possible to send compressed graphics. the highest byte of 'g' in the 'grfe' command should be set. The frame is then assumed to be compressed using LZF. The length in the header is the length of the compressed data (+4 for the command code).
Command: "i2cc"
Squeezebox1 only, sends an i2c command to the client.
The data is the i2c command to send in the same format as for the SLIMP3 protocol.
This is used to control the setup of the mas chip. Volume commands are embedded in this.
Command: "serv"
Tells the client to switch to another server.
$ip_address 4 bytes in network order; 0x1 means switch to squeezenetwork $syncgroupid (optional) 10 ASCII digits; this should be reflected in the HELO command (SyncgroupID capability) when the player connects to the new server so that it may re-join its sync-group.
Command "stat"
Request a STAT update from the player
Command: "vfdc"
Sends VFD data to the client.
The data is the vfd data to send in the same format as for the SLIMP3 protocol.
Command: "vers"
Sends server version string to the client.
The data is the human readable version information for the server (a simple string)
Command "visu"
Tells the server to activate/deactivate visualizer for the music.
$which 1 byte Which visualizer to use $count 1 byte How many parameters there are $param_1 4 bytes first parameter... $param_N 4 bytes last parameter
Values for $which:
0 Blank 1 Vumeter 2 Spectrum 3 Waveform
$channels 0=stereo 1=mono $style 0=digital 1=analog $position left/right position in pixels (0=left side) $width width in pixels $r_position left/right position of the right channel (stereo only) $r_width width in pixels of the right channel (stereo only)2 Spectrum analyzer $channels as for vumeter $bandwidth 0=0..22050Hz, 1=0..11025Hz $Preemphasis in dB per KHz $position left/right position in pixels (0=left side) $width width in pixels $orientation 0=left to right 1=right to left $bar_width Bar width in pixels $bar_space Bar spacing in pixels $clipping 0 = show all subbands 1= clip higher bands $intensity Bar intensity (greyscale) 1-3 $cap Bar cap intensity (greyscale) 1-3For stereo, repeat the channel-specific $r_position Right side position ... $r_cap Right side bar cap intensity
Undocumented commands, brief rundown
Command "audc"
Transporter only, update clock source
Command "audp"
Transporter only, update audio source
Command "body"
Request part of the body of a file from the player (to get remotely downloaded playlists, find bit rates of mp3, etc)
Command "cont"
Content-type related, related to playing remote songs
Command "grfd"
SqueezeboxG only, draw graphics
Command "irtm"
Send timing info to client about when IR messages are processed
Command "knoa"
Knob on a remote control?
Command "knob"
Transporter only, knob-related
Command "rhap"
Command "rsps"
Transporter only, adjust RS232 baud rate
Command "rstx"
Transporter only, send RS232 TX
Command "setd"
Get/set player firmware settings
Command "upda"
Command "updn"
Command "ureq"
The last 3 are firmware update related commands