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Home of the Squeezebox™ & Transporter® network music players.

Firmware update

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A frequently-asked new user question is How do I update my firmware?

The Squeezebox has a very easy firmware update process that's different than updating firmware in a router, for example. The firmware code is packaged with Squeezebox Server. If you're running the latest Squeezebox Server, you have the latest firmware for your Squeezebox.

The Squeezebox always checks with Squeezebox Server that it has the latest firmware. When you update Squeezebox Server, if it includes new firmware, both the Squeezebox and Squeezebox Server will let you know that the player requires a firmware update. Squeezebox Server will show that the player requires an update and the Squeezebox will prompt you to press and hold the BRIGHTNESS button on the remote to start the firmware update process. If you've not migrated to Squeezebox Server yet, you can force a firmware upgrade by holding down the brightness button.

Once you press and hold the BRIGHTNESS button on the remote, a progress bar indicates how much of the firmware the Squeezebox has downloaded from Squeezebox Server. This should only take a few seconds. The player will then reboot. There may be a longer pause on the blank screen than normal as the code in various chips gets rewritten.

If you want to set or reset completely unattended firmware upgrade, see Automatic Firmware Upgrade. Squeezebox Boom and the Squeezebox Receiver always automatically update their firmware/

Note that the SLIMP3, the Squeezebox and the Squeezebox2 all have different firmware due to their different hardware. The system takes into account your player type and makes sure you are using firmware intended for your player. The Squeezebox3 uses the same firmware as the Squeezebox2. So if your player reports your Squeezebox3 is actually a Squeezebox2, there's nothing wrong. It's the correct firmware and you won't experience any functionality issues because of this.

To switch to older firmware, simply switch to an older version of Squeezebox Server, SqueezeCenter or SlimServer.

Squeezebox2, Squeezebox v3, Squeezebox Boom & Transporter have the following factory IR traps at boot time:

  • ADD - Factory reset
  • 1 - Program Xilinx
  • 2 - Factory test mode
  • 3 - Audio sine test

To activate these functions remove power from the Squeezebox. Hold down the appropriate button on the infrared remote control pointed at the Squeezebox and return power.

See also